How to Start Your Career in System Programming

If you are a fresher and are really looking for a personally and professionally satisfying career in embedded systems or system level programming then these are the exact skills that you need to get hold of

Skill guide for System/Embedded/Real Time Programmers

•Effectively programming using Data Structures
•Application of C for System programming purposes
•Complete understanding of any Operating System (Linux, most widely used here)
•OS customization skills, Device Drivers, Embedded Drivers
•OS building for target hardware
•Network programming
•C++ for Embedded and Real Time programming
•Understanding finer aspects of Real Time OS designs
•Programming for Multicore architectures
•Above all true passion for hard core programming

The above guide is purely indicative and is based on the current and expected future skill requirements. However these are the skills which are going to stay for a very long time. I call them "skills forever". Most of these skills are age old and are proven effective time and again with minor modifications to meet moving requirements.

How to master these skills

Here I recommend three proven ways to master these skills

1. Self Learning

Go out and do it on your own, this is the mantra of self-learning, definitely, the most satisfying path of all the. With so much open information available self-learning is definitely recommended. A decade back may be it would have been ill advised, due to lack of information available through Internet, books and so on, but the current situation only augments the use of it.

Pros & Cons

This is indeed the most satisfying of all paths. Information is readily available and it is only left to you to explore and deduce the right information. Now students willing to walk this path should be very selective in choosing information as there are every possibility that he/she may end up with heavy unwanted or even misleading information and most importantly taking much of his time. To sum it up I would say that in this path the learning curve i.e. the time taken to learn is more compared to all other kinds of learning.

Sources for this style of learning are: internet, books, practical experimentation, technical forums, seminars and so on.

2. Mentoring/Professional Training Course

To put it in a single sentence, "Look for a mentor/trainer who can extend his expertise and help you build your skills in the smartest and shortest way". Definitely the most widely preferred channel of learning and also the most confusing, thanks to the ever growing number of training organizations offering a wide variety of courses. I certainly am not against this trend but I would only like to caution students on being very selective while choosing these organizations for building their skills.

Let us look at some of the common training programs available for Embedded/System software development

There are a growing number of institutions offering specialized training courses on this domain. Most of these institutions offer a similar line of course contents with minor deviations. However most of them do talk about:

•Programming with C and Data Structures
•Programming with C++
•Linux/Unix Essentials
•Some part of Linux Drivers
•Micro-controllers and Programming them
•Embedded Systems Concepts

Now if you compare this with the above mentioned Skill guide, surely most of the training organizations need to drastically improve their contents to cater the exact skill requirements of the students and mind you most of these institutions are delivering these courses just at the knowledge gaining level. So be extremely selective in choosing your training courses. This is a highly recommended source of learning as there are plenty of options to choose from, obviously with a bit of scrutiny.

3. On Job Training

Definitely the most preferred method of learning. This gives the student a great opportunity to be in the company of experts and also in the most conducive learning environment. The student who enters this course would develop his/her skills in a way which is most desired by his/her employer. This could help in building both generic as well as specific skills. However there is a good chance of being very specific in the skills gained and this may hamper his overall generic outlook.

Now it's your turn to choose

So the choices are open, rate your skills and choose any path or even try to come up with something of your own. Just remember that, our expertise can always be availed and we will be more than happy to help you.

What you'll learn:

1) AVR Micro-controller architecture & it's working - Instruction execution, pipelining, stack pointer & interrupts

2) C, AVR assembly programming & implement mixed language projects

3) Arguments and return values passing from a function to another, how memory & CPU registers are allocated during program execution

4) How hardware manages program stack and management of local & global variables

5) Interrupts, interrupt vector table (IVT) and interrupt service routine (ISR), IVT & ISR programming

6) Build environment setup, GNU tools & utilities & build automation using GNU Make

7) Setup in-circuit programmer and USB-Serial adapter, flash & configure ATmega328 micro-controller

8) GPIO Programming, 4x4 keypad interfacing & driver development.


Prior exposure to computer architecture, digital circuit & C programming is good to have but not mandatory

Curiosity & enthusiasm to learn

Development board components, PC & open source software


>>> Your Search for In-depth Embedded System Programming Course ends here!! <<<

If you want to know how to kick start embedded programming skill and level up your career, read on. Hello, my name is Arabinda Verma and I have spent more than 15 years in research & software development, trained hundreds of graduates in programming and software engineering. When I ask students to tell me what their biggest challenge while learning Embedded Programming is, they all say the same thing: “Fundamentals are not clear.” To really become comfortable with embedded systems, students need guidance, mentorship, and practice. This isn’t always the case in programming schools and universities despite the high investments in time and money that they require.

This made me design this course, which will take you from the basics of embedded training to the advanced microcontroller architectures.

Why this course?

Embedded systems might appear complex to newcomers or even experienced programmers. With a different pedagogic approach, this course will help you become familiar with different aspects of this area, which will prove particularly helpful regardless of your experience in programming.

The course helps you build a sound understanding of C & Assembly programming. It discusses the architecture of the ATMega328 microcontroller and how software and hardware interact. You will gain here foundational knowledge, applied skills, hands-on programming exercises, proper guidance and mentorship.

I strongly believe that even the most complex contexts can be broken down to be assimilated by all students, regardless of their level.

Plus a 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE if you're not satisfied for any reason.

What you will gain from this course?

You will rig-up the development board using the basic electronic components like capacitors, resistors, LEDs, microcontroller etc. And interface the development board with PC through USB-serial adapter and in-circuit programming. You shall setup the development environment on PC, configure the microcontroller and flash the bootloader.

You will learn memory management through the C compiler, microcontroller architecture, instruction execution, interrupt handling and cross-language programming. You shall implement programs using the C and Assembly programming languages and implement pre-main functionalities to bring up the development board. These topics not only introduce you to the programming but also prepare you to deal with the ecosystem of programming an embedded system.

What other students are saying about this course?

Lots of students have already taken the right decision by enrolling in the course. Following is what they are saying.

"........ Arabinda Verma has done an excellent job of making the basic of microcontroller for anyone who is struggling in developing embedded concepts. Furthermore, after completing internal's and peripherals very clear through his tutorials. It serves as a good foundation course the course I am more confident in writing my own drivers for the microcontroller. For the best result, I would suggest to purchase any hardware board of AVR architecture and implement the code discussed in the tutorials. I am also looking forward to Arabinda's other tutorial. Happy Learning :)" -Yousuf

"Awesome course for beginners to build foundation of embedded system and C programming. The best part of the course is to build the development board on the breadboard and run/test programs........." - Akash

"Very useful course to learn and understand embedded systems." - Ajaganna

Planned updates to this course

On the demand of our student’s we are continuously bringing updates that could help you more in this topic. Updates to this course are life time free for enrolled students Let’s talk more about this in the discussions section inside this course.

Update 4 (5th, Feb'19): Added EEPROM programming & driver development.

Update 3 (22nd, Jan’19): Added a section for programming challenges solution.

Update 2 (15th, Jan’19): Added section on GPIO

Update 1 (1st, Jan'19): Restructured the course.

My promise!

Now you don’t need to spend hours finding out a right course, instructor, study material for embedded programming. If you are in any way not satisfied, for any reason, you can get a full refund from Udemy within 30 days. The course comes with a ”No questions asked money back guarantee for 30 days". So, there is nothing for you to lose.

Enroll today and jump into the fascinating world of embedded systems to gain top skills and knowledge in this so-promising area of programming.

Who this course is for:

Students who want to learn/understand a fairly complex microcontroller based project from scratch

Students who are studying embedded system & want to acquire deeper insight

Engineers who want to kick-start career in embedded system programming

Individual who wants to learn microcontroller & programming

Hobbits & electronics enthusiast

Pleas click below link to know " Course content ". 


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